Centralność ma sens

  • Henryk Hollender Stowarzyszenie EBIB
Keywords: Central systems; networks; services; central catalogues; Warsaw University Library; National Library (Poland) ; strategic planning


An attempt was made to define central information services by their relevance and impact and, at the very least, their region-wide nature, and then the cultural implications. Examples were given of services and systems that met these criteria, and it was pointed out that an analogous stature is sometimes attempted with poor management, lack of vision, shortfalls in planning, etc. Some information was given about the achievements of NUKAT union  catalogue of Polish research libraries, and its situation in the face of the National Library's implementation of a system in which the central role is played by software rather than by clearly defined relationships between cooperating libraries. 


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HOLLENDER, H. Rozwiązania światowe w zakresie platform informacyjnych. W: Kisielnicki, J., Gałązka-Sobotka, M. (red.). Rozwiązania organizacyjne zapewniające trwałość systemu informacji naukowo-technicznej, praca zbiorowa. Warszawa: Uczelnia Łazarskiego, 2012, s. 60-76. ISBN 9788364054044.
