ErasmusPlus - a new opportunity for creative librarians

  • Aleksandra Marciniak
  • Beata Wawrzyniak-Chrzanowska


Erasmus+ is a new educational program that will be implemented in years 2014-2020. The name is clearly associated with the mobility of students and academic staff, well established at universities in Europe. It is, however, much broader formula offering not only mobility projects (called action 1), but also strategic partnerships (action 2) and support for reforms in the field of education (action 3). The program formula is very open - both state institutions, NGOs and even private companies can apply. The whole is divided into sectors, i.e. school education, vocational education, higher education, adult education, youth, sport and central projects. Libraries as institutions actively involved in education and culture perfectly fit into the profile of project implementers. There are, however, a few challenges: you need to find at least two foreign partners, determine what will be the tangible outcomes of the project, prepare the application form, schedule of activities and the budget. This article shall help librarians with the application procedure, written by the owner and collaborator of Center for Business Synergies - a business that as one of 18 firms in Poland received funding for the implementation of the two-year adult education program, titled “A beautiful mind. Open educational resources in non-formal education of senior citizens”.


EPALE [on-line], [dostęp 14.03.2015]. Dostępny w:

Erasmus+. Przewodnik po programie [on-line]. 2015, [dostęp 14.03.2015]. Dostępny w:

Formularz wniosku. Konkurs: 2015. KA2 Współpraca na rzecz innowacji i dobrych praktyk. Partnerstwa strategiczne na rzecz edukacji dorosłych [on-line]. Warszawa, 2015, [dostęp 14.03.2015]. Dostępny w:

Komunikat Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+ [on-line], [dostęp 14.03.2015]. Dostępny w:

O programie Erasmus+ [on-line], [dostęp 14.03.2015]. Dostępny w:
