Omeka S - an open bibliometric study

Keywords: Omeka S, digital humanities, open source, digital curation, semantic web, academic libraries, open education, literature review, bibliometric analysis


The aim of the research is to assess the level of interest in the Omeka S system within the academic community, analyze its potential, and identify the main topics discussed in the literature. The study also aims to determine in which countries and research centers the Omeka S system is most frequently used and which projects based on this software have been described in the literature. To achieve this goal, a literature review was conducted using "simple bibliometric methods." Data was collected through queries in the Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database, the Nicolaus Copernicus University Library Catalogue, and the Scopus database. The data was subjected to quantitative analysis, as well as content analysis. Interest in Omeka S within the academic community showed an upward trend until 2023. However, due to the lack of sufficient data for the year 2024, it is difficult to definitively determine whether this trend will continue. The authors come from various countries, with a predominance of France and Italy. The Omeka S software has attracted the attention of researchers from different fields and disciplines, resulting in a wide range of thematic diversity. Omeka S is primarily used in the field of digital humanities.


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