Sztuczna inteligencja i prawdziwe biblioteki: szok przyszłości i co dalej?


Abstract: In this article we consider the situation of several areas of library practice susceptible to being taken over by artificial intelligence tools. However, we reject visions of profound change associated with this, not believing in the  extent or sustainability of the shift, since new technologies do not generally eliminate old ones or give a sense of having to 'switch' to them altogether. Nor are we able to give credence to predictions that such a change could be socially conscious and conducted towards profound results. We believe that progress in libraries, social communication and the circulation of scientific information has not in recent decades been the result of a coherent policy,  but depended on a number of random factors; change has generally led nowhere, and school leavers at all levels are not prepared to benefit from new opportunities to orient themselves in the world and acquire knowledge. However, we list a few areas where the presence of artificial intelligence in libraries is already yielding results, and we allow ourselves to speculate on what its future directions may yet be. Successful implementations could significantly transform the mode of library use and change the nature of libraries to a greater extent than the computerisation that began in the decline of the last century.


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