War Games. Evaluation of Science’s Evaluation
The article presents the author’s subjective observations upon the function of evaluation of modern science conducted by the use of evaluation of bibliographic data. After a short introduction which is a short report on the role of science and the role of its evaluation there is a place to present current problems connected with evaluation of productivity of scientific environments. Part of them is not a result of low quality bibliographic data but due to the lack of acceptance of currently implemented quantitative methods. Additionally, it results in unintuitive and unpredictable behavior of some indicators and thus it results in the lack of common beliefs that they reflect a positive impact of given scientific achievements on the domains of everyday life. It causes the implementation of expert methods as components of complex methods which results in additional reduction of clarity in the evaluation system.The author, with the help of a given example, puts a hypothesis that further search of quantitative methods of evaluation of scientific contribution based on the existing, traditional model of bibliographic data can prove to be a dead end. Chances to exit from it are located in the development of that model in the scope of taking into account the weight dependencies.References
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