Standard Bibliographic Data in Hybrid Catalogues

  • Krystyna Sanetra


The article discusses international cataloguing standards and shows that the principles of creating Polish bibliographic data have been based on international guidelines. There is an overview of the Resource Description & Access (RDA) standard and a presentation of the RDA elements gradually implemented in NUKAT. It has been shown, inter alia, that changes in the terminology, deviations from the traditional formulation of statements of responsibility and the selection of access points obviously lead, in a lesser or greater degree, to a diversion from existing standards and regulations. As a result, the introduction of RDA rules brings hybridity to library catalogues as they start to include bibliographic records prepared in accordance with both ISBD and RDA standards. It is then suggested that the full implementation of the RDA model should enable access to high-quality library data outside a library catalogue in a network environment and that bibliographic data should become an integral part of the Semantic Web.


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