European Summer School for Scientometrics as a Form of Education for Scientometrics and Bibliometrics

  • Magdalena Bemke-Świtilnik


The paper highlights the importance of education (courses, workshops and conferences) to scientometrics and bibliometrics. Selected international conferences and courses concering these issues entirely were pointed out. Special attention was paid to the ESSS (European Summer School for Scientometrics) from the perspective of a participant of the 4th edition, which was held in Berlin, 8-13 September 2013. It was explainted for whom the ESSS was designed for. The organisation of ESSS’s conference and workshops was briefly described. Both, the benefits of participation in that event and practical tips that might  be useful to future participants of ESSS editions, were discussed. Two appendices were enclosed – the list of presentations, available on the ESSS website, editions  2010-2013, and a list of instrucional films available  at websites showing how to work with Web of Science and Scopus. Appendices were prepared as at 1st October 2013.


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