A position of diploma librarians in the Polish Academy of Sciences. Wonderful history, sad present time
Yet again, the rights of all diploma librarians employed by the Polish Academy of Sciences have been infringed upon. Over the last fifty years (1960-2010), the Polish Academy of Sciences has managed to work out and maintain the professional status of its librarians, comparable to that of its scientists and researchers. However, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, having introduced its new policy of the 30th April 2010, has rescinded the librarians’ right to the 36-day-long paid holiday leave. The protest on the part of the library community with the regulatory body produced but a weak and highly dubious attempt at an explanation. It is impossible for us, librarians, to find in the Ministry’s letter, any clarification, justification, or any good enough reasoning for its action against the rights of its employees. Clearly, this blow to the 50-year long tradition, clearly pointless, is a manifestation of the total lack of the library policy in Poland. De-regulation law of 2013 will bring nothing but further negative results and will negatively impact the professional status of diploma librarians at scientific libraries. It is the librarians’ duty to speak out on the subject – on their own behalf and on behalf of all library users.References
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