Web metrics: training needs among library professionals

  • Edyta Kędzierska
  • Aldona Zawałkiewicz


The articles presents the results of a survey on training needs regarding library metrics. The survey was carried out in 2014 among the participants of the project Library Analysis, who participated in pilot studies of the effectiveness of libraries. In total 240 people completed the survey. They were library directors, librarians and others who deal with statistics in public and academic libraries. In addition to gaining insight into the expectations concerning the themes and forms of training, information was obtained about the main purpose of collecting statistical data in libraries, the use of these data, their collection, sources, analyses and application, as well as the issues faced by librarians when identifying data.


Vademecum bibliotekarza: praktyczne i aktualne informacje dla bibliotekarzy / zespół autorów pod red. Lucjana Bilińskiego, Warszawa 2014. ISBN 83-88285-56-4

Kędzierska E., Zawałkiewicz A. Badanie potrzeb szkoleniowych w podnoszeniu kompetencji w zakresie zarządzania statystyką biblioteczną [online]. 2014. [Dostęp 15 października 2014]. Dostępny w: http://afb.sbp.pl/wyniki-badan
