Text construction in the culture of new media and the role of images in electronic communication

  • Piotr Adam Rudera


Writing continues to play a fundamental role in the access and use of the new media, although it is probably declining due to the increasing importance of images in electronic communication. On an extremely elementary level of using new media writing is useful in simple tasks, such as typing passwords, naming new folders, typing queries into the browser. Advanced users can make use of new media by writing more or less complex texts which often become a multimedium. Electronic text, just like any virtual object, is malleable and is subject to many detailed activities. Generally speaking, the fundamental process related to writing is automation. Automation of writing manifests itself at every level of the use of writing in the new media. Due to many changes in the way texts are created new doubts arise, that concern the way new media shape our habits associated with their creation. Whether the characteristics of electronic text affect the writing process? If so, what kind of impact they have and what are its consequences in the context of content production?


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