From the Life on a Modern Medical Library – the Areas of Activity of The Main Library Of Medical University of Warsaw

  • Irmina Utrata
  • Agnieszka Czarnecka


The Main Library of The Medical University of Warsaw organizes access to the latest national and world sources of information science from the field of medicine and related sciences, including new technologies and tools. It monitors systematically and responds to changes in the scientific and educational environment, implementing new methods of user education to its services, promoting new forms of learning and seeking of sources of knowledge. Qualified staff, modern building, new technologies, implementation of innovative solutions – create the library as a prestigious center of information science. The authors introduce the main areas of the library's activity, present basic information about its tasks, resources, services and spatial organization.


Sprawozdania roczne Biblioteki Głównej WUM za lata 2011–2015 (materiały niepublikowane).

UTRATA, I. Tak się właśnie zaczęło: przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość Biblioteki Głównej Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Forum Bibliotek Medycznych 2010, t. 3, nr 1(5), s. 639–648.
