FOLIO, OLE and TIND – Modern Platforms of Library Services: Open Source and its Commercialisation

  • Dominik Mirosław Piotrowski
  • Barbara Kmiecikowska
  • Iwona Olińska


The authors emphasize that there have been major changes in the market of library systems in the last few years. Integrated library systems (ILS) which were designed for the management of printed collections are slowly being replaced by software of new generation which operates in the computing cloud. These are innovative solutions referred to as Library Services Platforms (LSP). However, a certain danger is the fact that the libraries which decide to implement commercial LSPs can become dependent from one supplier. In this article, an attempt was made to organize knowledge on three LSPs, i.e. OLE, FOLIO and TIND. The intention of this article is to show the dynamic changes that take place in this area.


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