Gephi – a Modern Tool for Visualization of Bibliometric Data

  • Veslava Osińska


Based on the experience gained during the workshop that accompanied a conference "Visualization of information in humanities", the author prepared an instruction (tutorial) of the use of Gephi application for the visualization of bibliometric data. In research libraries bibliometric sections prepare information on the scientific output of their parent institutions. That information is more appealing to research authorities including administration officers if it is clearly visualized. The aim of this paper and the instruction is to encourage specialists responsible for the presentation of bibliometric data, especially librarians, to use various functionalities of Gephi in their work. It may also help librarians gain new skills and qualifications.


BibExcel: a tool-box developed by Olle Persson [online]. [Dostęp 8.07.2017]. Dostępny w:

Gephi Features [online]. The Gephi Consortium, 2017. [Dostęp 8.07.2017]. Dostępny w:

Gephi makes graphs handy [online]. The Gephi Consortium, 2017. [Dostęp 8.07. 2017]. Dostępny w:

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OSIŃSKA, V., MALAK, P. Dynamiczne sieci społeczne. Projektowanie i analiza. W: SYSŁO, M.M., KWIATKOWSKA, A.B. (red.). Wsparcie kształcenia informatycznego w szkołach: materiały pokonfe­rencyjne. Toruń: Wydaw. Nauk. UMK, 2017, s. 376-387. ISBN 978-83-231-3784-9.

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